Thursday, March 29, 2018

Kandy. Sri Lanka

March 29th
Finally in Kandy where we are staying in the Amaya Hills hotel which is on a ridge above the city. We have been on the go all the time starting on Sunday which was my birthday and tissa had decorated the van with stickers and balloons.

Happy Birthday to me.
 Roadside stall selling curd and honey. It comes in a clay dish.
Hindu temple of Koneswaram Kovil built on the site of an earlier temple which the Porteguese had pushed into the sea in 1624.
Prayers and requests to the gods.

Fishing boats on the beach below the temple. I should have said this is at Trincomalee, a fine deep water harbour.
Sri Lankan style mosque in Trincomalee.
Lorry on the road to Kandy. There are no large lorries to break up the road surface and cause holdups to the traffic.
Next excursion was to Polonnaruwa which was the second capital of Sri Lanka and built in the 11thC A.D.

Buddha among the extensive Polonnaruwa ruins.
I like the Sri Lankan post symbol of a carrier pigeon.
 Enormous Golden Buddha outside the Golden Temple.
Drawings on a school wall. I don't know what the poster is about.
 Wood carving studio using banyan wood.
 Apparently some years ago the government tried to cull stray dogs but it does not appear at all successful! However I saw few cats.
 Another Hindu temple
 The famous temple of the tooth in Kandy. The tooth is behind the small door in the centre.
 Audience hall at the temple of the tooth.
 Lions decorate the exterior of the temple.
 Relic of the colonial past in Kandy
Education is free in Sri Lanka and includes the school uniform.

The sign on our balcony door.

Kandian sunset.


  1. Happy birthday Kate, enjoying reading your blog posts. Continue to have a wonderful adventure.

  2. I'm glad they made a fuss of you for your birthday!

  3. What a special birthday treat.
    Love the intense colour you are finding everywhere.
    And don't trust the monkeys.
