Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fabric and Kitchen Stuff in Tokyo

November 2nd, 2016

On Wednesday we did Fabric Town and the Kitchen Street. Fabric Town is in Nippori district, a quiet residential area and has over 80 shops selling fabrics and associated sewing things such as buttons and braids. Tomato is bigger than most and is a bit like Spotlight with an overwhelming range of Japanese cottons.

Next stop was Kitchen Street or Kappabashi which has a whole row of shops selling everything you need to run a restaurant. As you might imagine it includes some lovely ceramics, an incredible range of sieves as well as the plastic display models of fruit etc. I was not convinced the apple peeler gadget would work well. Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures of specific displays or items..
Note the umbrella hook
Bit out of order. This was on the river cruise boat and it was no exaggeration. My head hit the ceiling and I am not tall.
Not quite St George. He has a bow and arrow.
Inside Tomato
Residential building in Fabric Town.
Quilt design?
Animals travelling on trains should be caged.
As you can see I am rather taken with the quirky signs.
Verandah Tokyo style.
No idea what these represent. There was a whole row of them.
Trees around the Imperial Palace.


  1. I want to live in fabric town!

    The little person sticking out of the wall looks like it has the same writing as the shop sign on the wall, so perhaps they just the shop names?

  2. Welcome home Kate, have enjoyed following your trip and loved every moment of it. When you start looking around, there are some quirky things to photograph. Take care, catch up soon.

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