Friday, May 24, 2013

Tbilisi, Georgia May 23rd 2013

Our stopover in Dubai was good for a sleep and then we were back at the Airport just after midnight ready for the 2.30 a.m. flight. The Arabs look so smart in their snowy white dish dashes, but baseball caps are not a good look compared to the trad. head dress. 

Tbilisi weather was perfect today and we walked around the old town - a bit reminiscent of Sultan Ahmet in Istanbul narrow cobbled streets with overhanging balconies and the streets go every which way and there are very few street names even in Georgian (which has its own alphabet) - although on the way from the airport we did see George W Bush Street! Tomorrow we start our tour in a very smart gray Mercedes and I am requested to wear a skirt and a scarf as I gather Georgia is quite conservative.

Tonight we eventually found a recommended restaurant - they do not go for strident advertising!
Cheese pies and dumplings are ubiquitous and the food is good. The restaurant had over a page of different vodkas but we did not try them.

Our hotel, Villa Mtiebi
Our breakfast courtyard
the view from our window
We stopped for a coffee, but the beer was cheaper. i have seen several people sweeping the streets and certainly the city is tidy in spite of the massive amount of repair and building.
The famous old Clock Tower
I liked this drinking fountain with the lamb above it.
A little basement church we stumbled across.


  1. Great photos Kate and Bill, pleased you had a good flight over. Love the page of Vodkas and the mention of baseball caps in Dubai, something to look forward to when we go. Happy and safe travels. Look forward to more posts.

  2. Lovely to be on the road with you again, Kate!

    I think I could cope with eating breakfast in that courtyard - it looks delightful.

  3. Baseball caps in Dubai made me smile :-) I loved the cheese pies when I was there.
    Have a good time in Tbilisi Kate
